AI GIF Generator

AI GIF generator is a tool that uses artificial intelligence to generate animated graphics (GIFs) from text.With the powerful Hotshot-XL model, our AI generator creates personalized GIFs tailored to your unique themes and preferences.

Unlock the magic of AI GIF Generator

Dive into AI-powered art creation

No skills needed - our AI gif generator lets anyone make animated gifs fast. Just type and watch our AI work its magic.

Generate high-quality GIFs

With AI GIF Generator instantly turns text into flawless GIF animations with just a few clicks. Transform any words or phrases into smooth, professional GIFs without effort.

Prompt-Based AI Generation

Using AI GIF Generator, you can describe the gif effects you want to create through text prompts. The AI interprets these prompts to generate corresponding images, giving you control over the creative process by adjusting the prompts.

GIFs of personalized subjects

AI GIF generator transforms your described words into smooth, flawless GIF animations. The fastest way to create engaging visual content for social media, websites and more. Let our powerful AI do the hard work for you!

Multiple sizes

AI GIF generator allows you to produce flawless GIF animations in multiple sizes to suit your needs.By applying controls and tweaking parameters, you can set small, medium or large GIF sizes to perfection easily.

AI GIF Generator Art Images

  • Prompt: a cat is laughing

    Prompt: a cat is laughing

  • Prompt: A man screams, Christmas

    Prompt: A man screams, Christmas

  • Prompt: a little lion smile, Halloween

    Prompt: a little lion smile, Halloween

  • Prompt: a monkey smoking a cigarette

    Prompt: a monkey smoking a cigarette

  • Prompt: Spider-Man,fireworks in background, hd, 4K

    Prompt: Spider-Man,fireworks in background, hd, 4K

  • Prompt: Tyrannosaurus Rex wearing a Christmas hat

    Prompt: Tyrannosaurus Rex wearing a Christmas hat

AI GIF Generator Interface Overview

Familiarize Yourself with the AI GIF Generator Interface

AI GIF Generator offers a range of parameters to craft your desired gifs.

App screenshot


The "Prompt" field acts as your primary channel for conveying your creative intentions to the AI. Here, you should offer a detailed description or specific keywords that closely match the image you want the AI to generate. Thoughtfully composed and precise input in this area greatly influences the result of your AI-generated creation.

Negative Prompt.

This dedicated section empowers you to articulate the elements you want to explicitly exclude from the output image. Through your "Negative Prompt," you guide the AI to avoid certain undesirable characteristics, thereby enhancing the alignment of the generated content with your desired vision.


AI GIF Generator provides a variety of size options, including 320×768, 384×672, 416×608, 512×512, 608×416, 672×384, 768×320. The default value is 512×512.


Seed in AI GIF Generator is a number used to initialize the generation. You don't need to come up with the number yourself because it is randomly generated when not specified. But controlling the seed can help you generate reproducible images, experiment with other parameters, or prompt variations.

AI GIF Generator

No code required to generate your gifs!

Further work of AI GIF Generator

What is the future of AI GIF Generator?

AI GIF Generator still has many aspects that can be improved.

longer/higher frame-rate GIFs.

Fine-Tuning Hotshot-XL at larger frame rates to create longer/higher frame-rate GIFs.

Higher resolution GIFs.

Fine-Tuning Hotshot-XL at larger resolutions to create higher resolution GIFs.

Temporal layers.

Training temporal layers for a latent upscaler to produce higher resolution GIFs.

Finer facial expression.

Training & integrating different ControlNet models for further control over GIF generation (finer facial expression control would be very cool)


Training temporal layers for a VAE to mitigate flickering/dithering in outputs.


Moving Hotshot-XL into AITemplate for faster inference times.
Product screenshot

AI GIF generator Overview


Text to GIF


Online at


Suitable for all skill levels


Fine-tune GIF

Use Cases

Ads, social media, promotions, websites



AI GIF generator pros and cons


Easy to use


Realistic results

Flexible Manipulation

Efficient Workflow


Not yet perfect

Under Development

Invest time in Learning Curve

What is AI GIF Generator Tool?

The AI GIF generator is a tool that utilizes artificial intelligence to create animated GIFs from text input. Powered by the advanced Hotshot-XL model, it generates customized, high-quality GIFs based on your unique themes and preferences.

This innovative tool revolutionizes GIF creation through AI. Simply type any text, and the generator immediately produces smooth, flawless GIF animations tailored to your description. It works by analyzing the input text to understand relevant themes and contexts, then seamlessly converting language into realistic motion graphics. The advanced AI ensures rapid generation speeds, producing quality GIFs within seconds.

The AI GIF generator delivers exceptional versatility, supporting diverse topics from daily life to niche professional domains. Its dynamic outputs help users visually communicate ideas across social media, messaging platforms, blogs and more. The model continually learns and improves over time, expanding its capabilities and output quality.

Overall, this leading-edge tool makes GIF creation fast, easy and customized for any user. With its intelligent automation, personalized results and ever-evolving improvements, the AI GIF generator sets a new standard for animated graphic creation and sharing. It empowers endless creativity and visual expression.

How to Use AI GIF Generator Tool?

By using ChatGPT to generate prompts for AI GIF Generator, you can create customized, actionable prompts that will help you get the most out of the app and inspire the creation of brand-new worlds, fantastical people, and original visuals. So, let's get started.

Preparing ChatGPT

ChatGPT is an artificial intelligence (AI) chatbot that uses natural language processing to create humanlike conversational dialogue. Going beyond answering questions, ChatGPT can compose written content on any topic in a personalized, human-like voice - whether it's drafting articles, social posts, essays, code, emails or various other text.

Here's how I did it. First, ask chatgpt"I am using an AI GIF Generator. Please give me some imaginative descriptions".Here's an result:

Here are 10 imaginative prompt ideas to generate fun GIFs with an AI generator:

An astronaut dancing the moonwalk on the moon with aliens.

A butterfly fluttering through a magical forest with floating islands in the sky.

A robot chef whipping up a storm in a futuristic chrome kitchen.

A deep sea diver exploring a vibrant coral reef filled with tropical fish.

A cat walking through a candy forest filled with lollipops.

An astronaut riding a galloping horse on the moon.

A dog surfing huge waves on a pineapple surfboard.

A hamster boxing against a kangaroo in a boxing ring.

A panda doing martial arts moves against a gang of ninjas.

A unicorn galloping down a rainbow road up to a marshmallow castle.

I tried to think of unexpected scenarios and vivid imagery spanning fantasy, sci-fi and cute animals. Let me know if you need any other imaginative ideas to bring your GIF visions to life!

Input prompt

The "Prompt" field acts as your primary channel for conveying your creative intentions to the AI.Copy any of the above prompts to the prompt input box.

Input Negative Prompt

This dedicated section empowers you to articulate the elements you want to explicitly exclude from the output image.Here's Universal Negative Prompts:

  • bad anatomy
  • bad proportions
  • cloned face
  • cropped
  • deformed
  • dehydrated
  • disfigured
  • duplicate
  • error
  • extra arms
  • extra fingers
  • extra legs
  • extra limbs
  • fused fingers
  • gross proportions
  • jpeg artifacts
  • long neck
  • low quality
  • lowres
  • malformed limbs
  • missing arms
  • missing legs
  • morbid
  • mutated hands
  • mutation
  • mutilated
  • out of frame
  • poorly drawn face
  • poorly drawn hands
  • signature
  • text
  • too many fingers
  • ugly
  • username
  • watermark
  • worst quality

Select size

  • 320×768
  • 384×672
  • 416×608
  • 512×512
  • 608×416
  • 672×384
  • 768×320

Save Your GIF

Once you are done with your process, it’s time to save your changes.Click the download button to save your gif.

How AI GIF Generator Works?

With the powerful Hotshot-XL model, Hotshot-XL is an AI text-to-GIF model trained to work alongside Stable Diffusion XL.Hotshot-XL can generate GIFs with any fine-tuned SDXL model.

You can create GIFs using any pre-existing or newly refined SDXL model of your choice.If you wish to generate personalized GIFs, you have the option to load your own SDXL-powered LORAs without the need for the complexities of fine-tuning Hotshot-XL. This offers a significant advantage since it's typically simpler to locate appropriate images for training data as opposed to videos. Furthermore, this approach can seamlessly integrate into everyone's existing LORA usage and workflows. Hotshot-XL is compatible with SDXL ControlNet to make GIFs in the composition/layout you’d like.

Frequently asked questions

If you can’t find what you’re looking for, email our support team and if you’re lucky someone will get back to you.

What is AI GIF generator?

AI GIF generator is a tool that uses artificial intelligence to generate animated graphics (GIFs) from text.With the powerful Hotshot-XL model, our AI generator creates personalized GIFs tailored to your unique themes and preferences.

Can I download generated gifs to my computer?

Yes, you can download the generated gifs to your computer. You can also share the gifs on social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Threads and Instagram.

Which model are you using?

We are using the Hotshot-XL model, which is an AI text-to-GIF model trained to work alongside Stable Diffusion XL.

What are Diffusion Models?

Generative models are a class of AI machine learning models that can generate new data based on training data.

Can we expect more features?

Absolutely. We are working on that.

Where can I access the AI GIF generator Online website?
© 2023 AI GIF Generator. All rights reserved.